Southern Africa Today

SADC @40 Deepening regional integration in 2020

SADC Today Vol 22 No. 2 February 2020 - THE YEAR 2020 provides an opportunity for SADC to review its integration agenda but also...

VISION 2050 and RISDP 2020-30 Compass for SADC strategic direction

SADC Today Vol 22 No. 1 December 2019 - SADC HAS begun the process of formulating a new 30-year vision that will provide strategic...

“Africa is not poor” – Magufuli

SADC Today Vol 21 No. 6 October 2019 - THE NEW SADC chairperson says the region is not poor and he urged the 16...

39th SADC Summit Towards Inclusive, Sustainable Industrial Development

SADC TODAY VOL 21 NO. 5 AUGUST 2019 - LEADERS FROM southern Africa are meeting for their annual summit in August to chart the...

African Continental Free Trade Area operational from 30 May 2019

SADC Today Vol 21 No.4 June 2019 This entire publication volume can be downloaded in English, Portuguese & French A brief look inside our SADC Today...

Review of regional strategy Toward SADC VISION 2050

SADC Today Vol 21 No. 3 April 2019 This entire publication volume can be downloaded in English, Portuguese & French A brief look inside our SADC...

SADC Integration The need for implementation of regional strategies

SADC Today Vol 21 No. 2 February 2019 - THE SADC Chairperson, President Hage Geingob of Namibia, has said that member states can fully...

SADC 2018 Regional integration strengthened through high-level commitment to TRANSBOUNDARY INFRASTRUCTURE AND YOUTH EMPOWERMENT

SADC Today Vol 21 No. 1 December 2018 - THE YEAR 2018 provided an opportunity for the SADC region to reflect on the long...

SADC Parliament – the missing link to regional integration?

SADC Today Vol 20 No.6 October 2018 - THE ASPIRATIONS of southern Africa are clearly spelt out in the Declaration Treaty that established the...

38th SADC Summit – Promoting Infrastructure Development and Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development

SADC Today Vol 20 No. 5 August 2018 - THE 38th SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in Windhoek,...

Realigning infrastructure with industrialisation SADC assesses progress

SADC Today Vol 20 No. 4 June 2018 - INFRASTRUCTURE IS key to regional development and the program is being reviewed and adjusted for...

“Made in Africa”

IF 25 May represents the day that Africa got rid of the remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid, then 21 March is the day that...
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