Southern Africa Today

Malawi optimistic about hosting historic 21st SADC Summit

BLANTYRE, Malawi - The government of Malawi is optimistic the 21st SADC Summit it is to host from 12-14 August in Blantyre, the commercial...

SADC puts on a new face as restructuring starts

Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community have approved a radical restructuring of SADC institutions to "squarely face the daunting regional and...

Five member states begin implementing trade protocol

Five SADC member states have set the pace in implementing the Trade Protocol, launched in September last year. English

Tanzanians give Mkapa a second term

The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party and incumbent president, Benjamin William Mkapa scored an overwhelming victory in Tanzania's second multi-party elections. English

Summit delays restructuring exercise, calls for debt cancellation, measures to quell AIDS pandemic

The annual summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) ended in the Namibian capital Windhoek on 7 August 2000 with a unanimous appeal...

Is SADC ready for trade reciprocity with the EU?

A proposal has been put forward  the European Union (EU) to gradually introduce reciprocal trade between the 15-member group and sub-regions within the African-Caribbean-Pacific...

Information technology key theme to SADC Conference in Lusaka

Recent advances in information technology have become a major determinant of investment destinations in the global economy. The 19~9 SADC Consultative Conference in Lusaka,...

SADC appeals tor more foreign direct investment

Efforts by southern African countries in opening up their markets and creating an investment friendly climate have not been complemented by sufficient foreign direct...

Emerging political hotbeds and currency instability among highlights of 18th SADC summit in Mauritius

Political developments in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Lesotho, the constitutional process in Swaziland, currency slump in South Africa and Zimbabwe, and...

Leaders appeal for debt cancellation at 1998 Southern Africa Economic Summit in Windhoek

Southern African government and business leaders converged in Windhoek, Namibia, from 17 - 19 May 1998 to sell the region's economic potential to the...

SADC set to ratify all sectoral protocols by mid-year

The Council of Ministers of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) meeting in Maputo, Mozambique, late January urged member states to ratify the organisation'...

SADC Summit takes giant steps toward integration

The 1997 SADC Summit has been hailed as a success having signed new protocols and endorsed several issues of concern to the region. English
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